Ziua mondială a drepturilor consumatorilor (“World Consumer Rights Day”)
Ziua mondială a drepturilor consumatorilor ("World Consumer Rights Day") este marcată în fiecare an, la 15 martie, ca mijloc de sensibilizare la nivel mondial cu privire la drepturile şi nevoile consumatorilor. Sărbătorirea acestei zile reprezintă o şansă de a cere...
Comunicat de presa – Președintele Confeuropa Consumatori Dl. Antonio Campisi este numit la ANPC în funcția de Membru al Consiliului consultativ și la conducerea operativă de Biroul de coordonare
Secretariatul Consiliului consultativ pentru protecția consumatorilor la nivel central vă comunică Ordinul Președintelui ANPC nr.83/08.02.2024 privind componența Consiliului consultativ pentru protecția consumatorilor la nivel central, cu mențiunea că acesta...
TIP – Financial advice accessible to all Romanians upon returning to the country
Applicants are advised to read the separate AFF Application Instructions before completing this form. Please submit your application form in English. If this is not possible, please use French or Spanish. Preferiblemente recibimos su solicitud escrita en inglés. Si...
Diritti allo sportello
Il presente progetto nasce per la tutela del consumatore con la realizzazione di sportelli aperti ai consumatori, per agevolare e facilitare l’esercizio dei diritti dei consumatori e la conoscenza delle opportunità e degli strumenti di tutela previsti dalla legge....
Participarea reprezentanților Confeuropa Consumatori la Webinarul PEPPI
Participation of Confeuropa Consumatori representatives at the PEPPI Webinar - Creation of the National Recipe and Promotion of Debt Counseling We are pleased to announce the participation of Confeuropa Consumatori representatives at the PEPPI Webinar, from June 26....
Consumers PRO – Best practices seminar – Session 5
We are delighted to announce the highly anticipated 5th session of the Best Practices Seminar on Consumer Protection. This session promises to be a truly enriching experience, with the distinguished participation of Confeuropa Consumatori, represented by Mirela...
Consumers PRO – Best practices seminar – Session 4
Confeuropa Consumatori Association is pleased to announce its participation in the 4th session of the Seminar on Consumer Protection, The seminar serves as a platform for industry experts, organizations, and stakeholders to come together and discuss key issues in...
Consumers PRO – Best practices seminar – Session 3
Confeuropa Consumatori Association Participate in the 3rd Session of Seminar on Consumer Protection Confeuropa Consumatori Association is pleased to announce the participation of its representative, Mirela Bocanet, in the upcoming 3rd session of the Seminar on...
Consumers PRO – Best practices seminar – Session 2
Representatives of the Confeuropa Consumers Association, led by Ms. Mirela Bocanet, are participating in Session 2 of the Consumer Pro Seminar on consumer protection. Today, prominent representatives of the Confeuropa Consumers Association have taken part in Session 2...
Consumers PRO – Best practics seminar
Representatives of the Confeuropa Consumers Association participated today, on May 15, 2023, in the Consumer Pro Best Practice Seminar, during the first session. The seminar aimed to promote collaboration and the exchange of best practices in the field of consumer...