CONFEUROPA CONSUMATORI with regard to the protection of consumers and users proposes:
- The control and protection of a balanced relationship between the individual use of environmental resources and a rational development of society, aimed at respecting the dignity of the human person;
- the right to safety and physical and mental integrity;
- the right to the quality of products and services rendered to individuals;
- the right to energy saving, health and a healthy environment also through the enhancement and protection of the territory and the ecosystem;
- the right to receive adequate information and correct advertising;
- the right to concreteness, transparency and fairness in contractual relationships in relation to goods and services rendered by third parties, producers and suppliers, according to quality and efficiency standards;
- to organize conferences, seminars, training courses and meetings on topical issues of interest to consumers;
- to inform consumers and users on the current legislation on the subject;
- to promote, also in collaboration with IO CONSUMATORE and the consumer and user associations, codes of conduct containing rules of correctness and transparency that operators must observe to protect consumers, supervising compliance;
- to promote and maintain relationships with regional, national and community bodies operating in the sector;
- to promote and maintain relations with the National Authorities for the Protection of Consumers and Users ;
- to promote and maintain relations with other consumer and user associations;
- to promote and take care of the adaptation to regional, national and community actions, also through the establishment of European and/or Mediterranean networks and the activation of experimental projects